Raw Cashews

From $9.50$34.00

Native to America but now grown extensively in India and Vietnam. Cashews will withstand rather drier conditions than most other nuts.

The nut grows in a curious way on the tree, hanging below a fleshy, apple–like fruit. It is related to the mango and Pistashios.

High in protein and carbohydrate, Cashews one of the tastiest treats you can enjoy (roasted and lightly salted the are mouth watering).

We select only the largest and purest cashews available and roast them until they are golden in colour and lightly salt them to make irresistible snack.

For all occasions Nut Galore also have the same beautiful Cashews in Raw and Roasted Unsalted at all its outlets.



Nuts are very nutritious, providing protein and many essential vitamins, such as A and E, minerals, such as phosphorous and potassium, and fibre.

Nuts are also high in carbohydrate and monounsaturated oils, so should be as part of your dailydiet whereas pulses all belong to the legume group of plants, nuts come from a variety of different plant groups, so the nutritional content is more varied too.

A brief description of individual varieties is given.


Nuts should be stored in cool, dry conditions in airtight containers away from the light.

Because of their high levels monounsaturated oils, RAW Nutsbenefit from storage in the fridge or freezer to greatly increase their shelf life.

As a general rule nuts should not be kept for longer than a year.

Health Facts

1. Cashews have a smaller fat content than most nuts, with roughly 75% consisting of unsaturated fatty acids.

2. About 75% of this unsaturated fatty acid content is oleic acid, which is the same mono-unsaturated fat found in olive oil. Various studies have shown that oleic acid promotes cardiovascular health, even with diabetics. Studies show that monounsaturated fat, when added to a low-fat diet, can help to reduce high triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a form in which fats are carried in the blood. High levels of triglycerides are linked with an increased risk for heart disease, so making sure that you have some monounsaturated fats in your diet by enjoying cashew nuts is a good idea. Just a quarter-cup of these delicious nuts supplies over 37% of your daily recommended value for monounsaturated fat.

Cashews freshly roasted to perfection and then slightly salted to enhance a truly delicious taste, you will certainly understand why these cashews are one of our top sellers.